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Jet Dry Cleaning & Restoration

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JetDry's Spring Cleaning Tips

Here at Jet Dry Carpet Cleaning, we are dedicated to keeping your Rochester NY home in mint condition! We know that this winter took its toll on your home, and we want you to get a fresh jump on Spring. Read through our Spring cleaning guide and let us know your favorite home cleaning tip.

Sealed Tight


How to Repair Air Leaks


Here is a great guide by Powers Heating and Cooling on how you can repair air leaks in your home. Doing this is important in the Winter to keep warm air in, but arguably more important in the Summer to keep hot air out. Focus on areas around doors and windows and be able to maximize your home’s energy costs.


Problems of a Leaking Air Duct


When that Rochester summer hits, you’ll be glad your cooling system is working its best. Read why John Moore explains air ducts are critical in keeping your energy costs low. Ensure that your home is staying cool as our Rochester temperatures rise.

Water Damage


Trouble Spots


Read what Century 21 states are the biggest problem areas in your home for water damage. Learn how you can avoid messes in your bathroom, kitchen, and basement this Spring by being proactive in preventing leaks before they get worse!


Creative Tips


Sometimes the best offense is a great defense. Learn how to secure your home from the outside in from RBC Insurance. Keeping water out is the first step and staying dry this summer.

Keep Allergies at Bay


Keep Your Carpet Maintained for Spring


If you suffer from allergies, Spring can be a painful season. However, if you maintain a regular home cleaning schedule and keep your carpet clean, you can greatly reduce your Spring time sneezes. Read how 7Days Cleaning advises on how to get your carpet clean for Spring.

Let Us Know What You Think

Liked what you read here today? Would you like us to share other helpful cleaning tips? Let us know how we can keep serving you and make Rochester NY the best it can be!